First, I would like to thank the Almighty God and his mother st. Marry, for giving me knowledge, strength and endurance, and health to do this research from its inception until it done. I would like to express my great respect and appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Sisay Mengistie, for his constructive comment, suggestions, advice and encouragement from the beginning to the end of this book. I am also grateful to all the respondents who gave me their precious time and the necessary information needed for this study, especially, Amhara Regional State peoples. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my family for their greatest moral, financial and material support and for all my friends the lovely time I have spent with them and for all kinds of supports they have provided me in those bad and good times.
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I am Bamlaku Alebe Eshetu, I have BA Degree in Civics and Ethical Studies, from Debre Birhan University, in 2013, and I have MA degree in Federalism and good governance,from Addis Ababa University in 2018. Now I am Lecturer and working at Bule Hora University.