This publication includes the contributions of three symposia organized by Don Juan Archiv Wien in Istanbul and Vienna from 2013 to 2015: Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics: Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in Ottoman-European Relations (Istanbul 2013), Culture ofPolitics or Cultural Politics - Act Two: Representation, Theatricality and Cultural Transfer in Ottoman-European Diplomatic Relations (Vienna 2014) and Culture, Diplomacy and Peacemaking: Ottoman-European Relations in the Wake of the Treaty of Belgrade (1739) and the Era of Maria Theresia (Istanbul 2015). The series Diplomatica will also include Interludia - historical texts of diplomatic reflections from the 15th to the 20th centuries - as intermezzi to the seven parts of this publication, which will be edited in two volumes.
Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag
Angelika Landbauer
Trautsongasse 6/6
AT 1080 Wien
Contributions by Maria Alberti - Gülgün Üçel - Davide Baldi - Bruce Alan Brown - Reinhard Buchberger - David Chataignier - Zsuzsanna Cziráki Rosita DAmora Reinhard Eisendle Irena Fliter Stefan Hanß Bent Holm Michael Hüttler Zeynep Inankur Ralf Martin Jäger Florian Kühnel Tatjana Markovic Aliye Fatma Mataraci Matthias J. Pernerstorfer Gabriele C. Pfeiffer John Plemmenos Mikael Bøgh Rasmussen Günsel Renda Orlin Sabev Çetin Sarikartal Käthe SpringerDissmann Suna Suner Hacer Topaktas Üstüner B. Babür Turna Dirk Van Waelderen Mehmet Alaaddin Yalçinkaya Nevin Zeynep Yelçe