Planning wisely and gardening sustainably GARDENING WITH NATURE Permaculture means not working against nature, but observing it, and then using the principles of nature to meet your own objectives. Following a brief introduction to the basic principles and philosophy of permaculture, Ulrike Windsperger explains in practical terms how permaculture gardens differ from other gardens, and how they can best be planned and established - gardens that make as few demands on your time as possible, while bringing forth a wealth of edible crops. This edition also features a new chapter on especially bee-friendly plants.
Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
Matthias Ulmer
Wollgrasweg 41
DE 70599 Stuttgart
Ulrike Windsperger ist Gartenbauexpertin, Imkerin und Kräuterpädagogin. Die Permakultur liegt ihr besonders am Herzen, dazu bietet sie auch Gartenplanung und -beratung an.