Planspiele und Serious Games in der beruflichen Bildung
Auswahl, Konzepte, Lernarrangements, Erfahrungen - Aktueller Katalog für Planspiele und Serious Games 2015, Mit DVD, Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung
Erschienen am
17.03.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
The handout for the use of experimental planning games and serious games has been included in the new edition since 2002. It consists of a textbook and a DVD. The textbook contains the findings from BIBB studies and experiences from various BIBB model projects on didactics and the efficacy of gaming and serious games. It offers an introduction to learning game ideas, constructs and implementations. Examples illustrate the basics of experimental planning games and serious games, where they differ, what their didactic originality claims are in comparison with "rivalling" teaching and learning methods and how they can be integrated in training courses and lesson plans, as well as in organisational development measures of companies. The DVD contains a catalogue of available experimental planning games and serious games for the German-speaking region (Germany/Austria/Switzerland) and more than 100 experience reports from trainers and providers.
w GmbH & Co. KG
W. Arndt Bertelsmann
Auf dem Esch 4
DE 33619 Bielefeld
Ulrich Blötz ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) in Bonn mit den Schwerpunkten Qualifikationsforschung und Planspieldidaktik.