The basic purpose is to describe various types of mathematical structures and how they can be apphed in environmental science. Thus, linear and non-linear algebraic equations, derivatives, integrals, ordinary and partial differential equations are the basic kinds of structures, or types of mathematical models, discussed. This book is not an introduction to calculusit assumes that its readers will already have been introduced to the basic ideas of differential and integral calculus. So far as we know, the combination of materials provided in the book is unique, but we believe it forms the basis for a useful and interesting course. In general, none of the material goes beyond what might be taught in a junior-level math or engineering course, but because the book covers ground from several such courses, the present material is appropriately taught at the graduate level.
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Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq Professor in Applied Mathematics in University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq has more than 170 research published international and Arab magazines and published more than 17 books