A total CBT training solution, with practical strategies for improving educational outcomes.Teaching and Supervising Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the first comprehensive package to provide empirically-validated CBT training and supervisory techniques. Applicable to a variety of behavioral health care disciplines, this multi-modal guide provides educators with the information and tools that can help improve educational outcomes. An examination of CBT developments over the past twenty years leads into a discussion of practical applications for improving CBT education, while addressing the technological advances that facilitate dissemination and the specific challenges posed to confidentiality and patient care. The digital component contains additional audio and video content, plus downloadable worksheets that reinforce and expand upon the strategies presented.
Coverage includes advice geared specifically toward the most commonly-encountered problems, with video of training sessions that address issues like frustration with patients, disbelief in psychotherapy, dislike of the method, and lack of skills. Readers will gain insight into effective goal setting, and implement a structured approach to supervision.
Examine existing literature and research on training, supervision, and evaluationIntegrate theory with practical strategies to improve learning outcomesCustomize training approaches to specifically suit different professional groupsFit the methods to the environment, including workshops, webinars, and podcasts
Mental health professionals who favor an empirically-based approach to therapy will appreciate the effectiveness of an empirically-based approach to pedagogy. Backed by over two decades of CBT research and the insight of leading CBT experts,Teaching and Supervising Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides trainers with the tools and information they need to improve therapist educational outcomes.
DONNA M. SUDAK, M.D. is Professor, Senior Associate Training Director, and Director of Psychotherapy Training in the Department of Psychiatry at the Drexel University College of Medicine.
R. TRENT CODD, III, Ed.S., is the President and founder of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Center of WNC, P.A., located in Asheville, NC.
JOHN W. LUDGATE, PHD, is a licensed psychologist who works at the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Center of Western North Carolina.
LESLIE SOKOL, PHD, is a distinguished founding fellow, past president, and Credentialing Chair of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.
MARCI G. FOX, PHD, is a licensed psychologist and has been in private practice for almost twenty years.
ROBERT P. REISER, PHD, is a licensed psychologist and a Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.
DEREK L. MILNE, PHD, is a clinical psychologist and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Acknowledgments xvii
Foreword xix
About the Authors xxi
1 CBT Training and Supervision: An Overview 1
John Ludgate
Historical Roots of CT Training and Supervision 1
Current Training Opportunities 6
Classification and Review of Training Programs 8
Effectiveness of Training 13
Best Practices for Training 15
Best Practices for Supervision 15
Some Distinctive Features of CBT Training and Supervision 16
Future Directions for CBT Training and Supervision 19
Summary 20
References 21
2 Core Competencies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training 25
Donna M. Sudak
What Are Competencies? 26
Existing Competency Frameworks 26
The British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Core Curriculum 28
Essential Competencies in CBT Training 30
Teaching Methods 31
Summary 34
Learning Exercises 34
References 35
3 Empirically Supported Educational Methods 37
R. Trent Codd III
Primary Findings 38
Other Important Considerations 52
Interventions Pending Further Study 58
Summary 61
Learning Exercises 61
Notes 61
Resources for Further Study 62
References 64
4 Measures of Competence in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 67
Donna M. Sudak
Measures of Evaluation of Competence in CBT and Evidence for Their Reliability and Validity 68
Assessment of Case Conceptualizations 70
Scoring the Cognitive Therapy Scale 73
Accreditation as a CBT Provider 80
Summary 81
Learning Exercises 81
References 82
5 Feedback in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training 85
Donna M. Sudak
Feedback and Skill Training 86
Providing Formative Feedback 86
Adult Learning and Feedback 87
Providing Summative Feedback (Did You Reach the Goal?) 87
When Feedback Sessions Go Wrong 89
Why Dont We Like to Give Feedback? 90
Problematic Trainees 90
Competence Is Insufficient: Addicting Trainees to Lifelong Learning 92
Summary 94
Learning Exercises 94
References 94
6 Teaching CBT for Specific Disorders 97
Leslie Sokol and Marci G. Fox
Teaching CBT for Depression 97
Teaching CBT for Anxiety Disorders 102
Teaching CBT for Personality Disorders 109
Learning Exercise 112
Teaching CBT for Substance Abuse 113
Teaching CBT for Serious Mental Illness 116
Summary 119
References 119
7 Technology in CBT Training and Supervision 121
R. Trent Codd III
Technological Applications for Supervision 121
Technological Applications for Instruction 122
Ethical and Legal Contexts 125
Other Considerations When Selecting Technology 128
Additional Factors 129
Summary 131
Learning Exercises 131
Notes 131
Reference 131
8 Graduate Training 133
Robert Reiser and Derek L. Milne
Problems with Graduate Training in CBT 134
Summary 141
Learning Exercises 141
References 141
9 CBT in Psychiatry Residency Training 145
Donna M. Sudak
History of CBT Training in Psychiatric Residencies 146
Understanding Residency Training 146
Problem Areas in Training Psychiatry Residents in CBT 148
Planning Training in CBT in Psychiatric Residencies 152
Faculty Development 156
Summary 157
Learning Exercises 157
References 157
10 Continuing Education for Therapists in Practice 159
John Ludgate
Background and Evolution of CBT Training for Therapists 160
Current CBT Training Options 161
Considerations for Practitioners Evaluating Training Options 164
Effectiveness of CBT Training for Therapists 166
Review of Trainings Studies 170
Designing Training 172
Summary 177
Learning Exercises 178
References 180
11 Training and Supervising Nontraditional Care Providers 183
R. Trent Codd III and John Ludgate
Nontraditional Groups 185
Designing Training for Nontraditional Groups 186
Training Design Process 188
Training Methods 189
Evidence Base for Training Nontraditional Groups in CBT 193
Conclusions from the Evidence Base 196
Best Practices for Training 198
Summary 203
References 203
12 Evidence-Based Supervisory Practices in CBT 207
Derek L. Milne and Robert Reiser
What Are the Evidence-Based Supervisory Practices in CBT? 208
Evidence-Based CBT Supervision Practices 209
Setting the Stage for Competency-Based Supervision 209
Facilitating Experiential Learning: The Initial Effects of Supervision 218
Summary 219
Learning Exercises 220
References 223
13 Training CBT Supervisors 227
Leslie Sokol and Marci G. Fox
The Supervisory Experience 227
Nuts and Bolts of Supervision 231
Problems That Affect Supervision 237
Summary 240
Learning Exercises 240
References 241
14 Self-Management in CBT Training and Supervision 243
John Ludgate
Extent of the Problem 243
Consequences of Therapist Distress and Burnout 244
Reasons for Inadequate Self-Care 244
Predictors of Distress Reactions 245
CBT as a Method of Self-Management for Therapists 246
Illustrations of the CBT Model 252
Improved Self-Care for Therapists 254
Training and Supervision Implications 254
Summary 258
Learning Exercises 259
References 261
Index 265
About the Companion Website 280