The Unprecedented Tell-All Guide Through the Intricacies of Executive RecruitmentThe single greatest opportunity that an organization has to improve both performance and culture in one stroke lies in the hiring of a new executivetheright executive. The fresh thinking of a skilled leader has the potential to unleash innovation, empower employees, and generate wealth for the company. Similarly, a bad hire may mortally wound the organization and cause ripple effects throughout the entire economy.
Hiring Greatness contains valuable insider strategies and tacticspreviously only known to a handful of America's wealthiest, elite head-huntersto attract, recruit, and retain star executives. Authors David E. Perry and Mark J. Haluska have completed more than 1800 search projects across five continents, maintaining a 99.97% success rate, and negotiating more than $380 million in salaries. Like magicians unveiling the hidden tricks of the trade,' Perry and Haluska reveal:
How to systematically secureand retainthe perfect talent for your companyHow to keep recruiters from poaching your star executives (a good hire is relatively meaningless if they leave the company)Twenty-three questions you must ask a potential headhunterThe language that makes your company the most compelling, and how HR lingo can repel the best talentFour critical turnoffs that drive great candidates away from top companies
One company created $3.8 million of market value each hour, for six months, simply by hiring the right leader.Hiring Greatness takes you behind the scenes of one of the world's most profitable and secretive industries, meticulously showing how any organization can make monumental hiring decisions that lead to massive success.
How to Maximize Your Use of this Book xvii
Foreword xix
Preface xxiii
Chapter 1 Great Expectations: Defining Value 1
Why Hiring Greatness Matters 7
Height of Value: KnowingWhats Important 10
Sight of Value: Finding Whats Important 12
Flight of Value: Get Whats Important 14
The Perfect Storm 19
Chapter 2 Architects of Success: Setting Up the Search Committee 29
How to Form a Functional Search Committee 31
How to Select a Search Committee
Chairperson 32
Duties of the Search Committee Chairperson 34
Chapter 3 Preparation: RecruiterNomics 39
The Importance of Due Diligence 40
The Job DescriptionYour Foundational Document 43
Creating the Position Profile 51
The Confidential Candidate Brief 57
Your Interview Guide 62
Chapter 4 Positioning the Opportunity: The Quick and the Dead 65
Its Go Time! 69
Search Research: The Black Box 70
Benchmarking 83
Attracting the A-Players 90CONTENTS
Recruiting and Screening 91
Closing on the First Face-to-Face Interview 99
Tradecraft 99
Chapter 5 Finding the Right Fit: Lions Dont Need to Roar 101
The Importance of Planning 104
Interview EtiquettePutting Your Best Foot Forward 106
How to Shape a Robust Interview Process 108
The Quick and the Dead 112
The Five Pillars of Success 115
Four Common Failures to Avoid 121
A Progressive Two-Stage Interview Process 123
Face-to-Face Interview with Two Recruiters 129
The Search Chair Interview 134
The Ultimate Hiring Authoritys Interview 139
The Search Committee Interview 143
The Candidates Business Presentation 145
Chapter 6 Due Diligence: Dont Hire a Liar 149
Catch Me If You Can 154
Negligent Hiring 159
Profile of a Good Reference 161
The Main Event 168
Setting the Stage 168
Tactics to Enhance Your Reference Checking 172
How to Evaluate References Effectively 176
Chapter 7 Sealing the Deal: The Future Is in Your Hands 181
Five Rules to Developing aWinning Offer 183
Presenting the Offer 186
The Best Candidates Have the Shortest Shelf Lives 187
How to Extend the Honeymoon Period Indefinitely 189
Counteroffers 193
Conclusion 194
Epilogue: All In 197
Acknowledgments 201
About the Authors 203
Appendix A Position Profile 205
Executive Search Mandate 205
Appendix B Confidential Candidate Brief 211
Working with Perry-Martel International Inc. 211
Index 217