Life - Scientific Philosophy / Phenomenology of Life and the Sciences of Life

Ontopoiesis of Life and the Human Creative Condition, Analecta Husserliana 59

Erschienen am 31.03.1999
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ISBN/EAN: 9780792351412
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: xiv, 542 S.
Einband: gebundenes Buch


This collection brings to the public the fruits of the groundlaying work on the philosophy/phenomenology of life presented in some 30 volumes of the Analecta Husserliana, and inaugurates a new phase in philosophy/phenomenology - a truly radical turn. As Tymieniecka in her introduction puts it, the time is ripe to abandon the prejudices against empiria and set aside in a second position'' the epistemological/constitutive criterion of validity and truth - without, however, abandoning it. To the contrary: recognising with our present culture the overwhelmingly superior validity of the pragmaticity test, which science indubitably applies in its verification'' of technology, philosophy/phenomenology at last reaches the full significance of reality: the fullness of the vital fact of life, which comprises not only the works and enjoyment of the mind and the spirit, but those of the bios and the cosmos too. The full-fledged dialogue with the hard-core sciences opens up; philosophy of life and the human creative condition draws together all the radiations of life into its field of inquiry. Tymieniecka thus proposes a new mathesis universalis - the dream of Leibniz and Husserl - which can at least be fulfilled.


Springer Verlag GmbH
Tiergartenstr. 17
DE 69121 Heidelberg


InhaltsangabeThe Theme: Philosophy/Phenomenology in Dialogue with the Sciences of Life: Toward a Mathesis Universalis for our Age. Inaugural Essay: The Ontopoiesis of Life as a new Philosophical Paradigm; A-T. Tymieniecka. Part I: Differentiation and Individualization of Life. The Onto-poiesis of Life in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka's Phenomneology; M.P. Migon. Fluctus, gravitas et inertia: A Phenomenological Reflection on the Relation Between the Human Person, the One and the Many of Life; A. Calcagno. The Problem of the Origin of Life by Chance; M. Casula. A New Creative Paradigm: Chaos and Freedom; R. Verolini, F. Petrelli. The Notion of `Eleng', that is of Time, in African Original Experience: The Vitalogical Dimension; M. Nkafu Nkemnkia. Transcendental Philosophy, Plurality, and Respect for the Real; C.W. Harvey. Life, Genius and the Work of Art; O. Rossi. The Female Nature and the Male Nature, an Attempt at Philosophical Anthropology; A. Nogal. Part II: The Variation of Ontopoiesis. Autopoiesis in the Organization of Living Phenomena: A Comparison between Heteronomous and Autonomous Systems in Cognition; G. Valacca. Life as Eontopoiesis and Self-Individualization; H. Matthai, C. Quelle. Hegel: Life between Death and Thought; M. Sánchez Sorondo. The Logos between Critique and Genetics; G. Morselli. La questione fenomenologica dell'ente-uomo; F. Fornari. Complexity as the Nodal Point for a Phenomenology of Life; S. Procacci. Phenomenology and Cubist Space; Z. Majewska. Part III: Nature as Alive. Is the Essence of Life a Natural or Philosophical Problem? K. Kloskowski. Friedrich Nietzsche: Earth-Enthusiast Extraordinaire; J.G. McGraw. Imagining: TheInvention of New Environments &endash; A New Ecological Interpretation of the Imagination and its Role in the Economy of Human Life; W.K. Rogers. Understanding Nature as Living: A Challenge for Academic Education; R. Boersma, W. Beekman. A Phenomenological Perspective on Educational Planning; G. Boselli. The New Silviculture: Epistemological Considerations; O. Giancio, S. Nocentini. Part IV: Transitions: Logos and Experience. Forms of Emotions; L. Albertazzi. Philosophy and Emotion; M. Durst. On the Historicity of Understanding &endash; A Phenomenological Interpretation of a Text by Husserl; K. Rokstad. The Frame of Events; G.M. Tortolone. Die Zirkelstruktur und der Zeitaspekt der Erfahrung &endash; Über die gegenseitige Angewiesenheit der Husserl'schen und der Heidegger'schen Phänomenologie; J. Cibulka. Crítica de la razón impura: Entre Nietzsche y Zubiri; J. Conill. Life, Experience and Understanding in Dilthey's Thought; C. Danani. Imagination: Rescuing What is Going to be Cancelled; P. Volonté. What is Analytical Phenomenology? N. Milkov. The Problem of the Transcendental Ego in Husserl; S. Riukas. Pour une phénoménologie de la chair; Y. Merrouch. Speech Acts and Emotional Causality in Everyday Life; A. Zuczkowski. Index of Names.


The Theme: Philosophy/Phenomenology in Dialogue with the Sciences of Life: Toward a Mathesis Universalis for our Age. Inaugural Essay: The Ontopoiesis of Life as a new Philosophical Paradigm; A-T. Tymieniecka. Part I: Differentiation and Individualization of Life. The Onto-poiesis of Life in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka''s Phenomneology; M.P. Migon. Fluctus, gravitas et inertia: A Phenomenological Reflection on the Relation Between the Human Person, the One and the Many of Life; A. Calcagno. The Problem of the Origin of Life by Chance; M. Casula. A New Creative Paradigm: Chaos and Freedom; R. Verolini, F. Petrelli. The Notion of Eleng'', that is of Time, in African Original Experience: The Vitalogical Dimension; M. Nkafu Nkemnkia. Transcendental Philosophy, Plurality, and Respect for the Real; C.W. Harvey. Life, Genius and the Work of Art; O. Rossi. The Female Nature and the Male Nature, an Attempt at Philosophical Anthropology; A. Nogal. Part II: The Variation of Ontopoiesis. Autopoiesis in the Organization of Living Phenomena: A Comparison between Heteronomous and Autonomous Systems in Cognition; G. Valacca. Life as Eontopoiesis and Self-Individualization; H. Matthai, C. Quelle. Hegel: Life between Death and Thought; M. Sanchez Sorondo. The Logos between Critique and Genetics; G. Morselli. La questione fenomenologica dell''ente-uomo; F. Fornari. Complexity as the Nodal Point for a Phenomenology of Life; S. Procacci. Phenomenology and Cubist Space; Z. Majewska. Part III: Nature as Alive. Is the Essence of Life a Natural or Philosophical Problem? K. Kloskowski. Friedrich Nietzsche: Earth-Enthusiast Extraordinaire; J.G. McGraw. Imagining: The Invention of New Environments &endash; A New Ecological Interpretation of the Imagination and its Role in the Economy of Human Life; W.K. Rogers. Understanding Nature as Living: A Challenge for Academic Education; R. Boersma, W. Beekman. A Phenomenological Perspective on Educational Planning; G. Boselli. The New Silviculture: Epistemological Considerations; O. Giancio, S. Nocentini. Part IV: Transitions: Logos and Experience. Forms of Emotions; L. Albertazzi. Philosophy and Emotion; M. Durst. On the Historicity of Understanding &endash; A Phenomenological Interpretation of a Text by Husserl; K. Rokstad. The Frame of Events; G.M. Tortolone. Die Zirkelstruktur und der Zeitaspekt der Erfahrung &endash; Über die gegenseitige Angewiesenheit der Husserl''schen und der Heidegger''schen Phänomenologie; J. Cibulka. Critica de la razon impura: Entre Nietzsche y Zubiri; J. Conill. Life, Experience and Understanding in Dilthey''s Thought; C. Danani. Imagination: Rescuing What is Going to be Cancelled; P. Volonte. What is Analytical Phenomenology? N. Milkov. The Problem of the Transcendental Ego in Husserl; S. Riukas. Pour une phenomenologie de la chair; Y. Merrouch. Speech Acts and Emotional Causality in Everyday Life; A. Zuczkowski. Index of Names.

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